Forced removal of children

Forcible removal of a child is a major interference with the rights of the parents. This means that the parents no longer have the right to have the child live with them and that the municipality decides that the child must live in an institution or foster family.

The parents have the right to a free lawyer as soon as the municipality announces that the child must be forcibly removed.

I recommend that you accept the offer of free legal assistance. A lawyer can guarantee that the municipality complies with the legislation and rules and ensures that the parents’ opinion is heard.

It is possible to get free assistance at the meeting from the Children and Youth Committee, the Danish Appeals Board and the Court. If the child – whom the municipality wants to remove – is over 12 years old, he/she has a say in forced removal proceedings and is therefore entitled to his own free lawyer. The child’s lawyer will exclusively look after the child’s interests and therefore cannot be the same lawyer as the parents have chosen.

Lawyer Sandra Moll Dirscherl specializes in assisting both parents and children during a forced removal.

If you have any questions, please contact lawyer Sandra Moll Dirscherl on phone 3135 3560.